
텍트로닉스 담당자와 실시간 상담 6:00am-4:30pm PST에 이용 가능


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MSO46B Oscilloscope: 200 MHz to 1.5 GHz, 6 Analog and Up to 48 (optional) Digital Channels

The MSO46B, 200 MHz to 1.5 GHz oscilloscope, provides 6 analog and Up to 48 (optional) digital channels, a sample rate of 6.25 GS/s, and 31.25 M to 62.5 M points of record length.

See Product Overview

4 Series MSO Mixed Signal oscilloscope


  • Analog Bandwidth: 200 MHz to 1.5 GHz
  • Analog Channels: 6
  • Sample Rate: 6.25 GS/s
  • Digital Channels: Up to 48 (optional)
  • Record Length: 31.25 M to 62.5 M
  • Spectrum Analyzer: -
  • Model Number: MSO46B
  • Base Price: US $12,600

Other Models